Lets talk about Sapphilleans
by KingCalico!

What is Sapphillean?

Sapphillean, as the name implies, is a (micro)label for those who consider themselves both Sapphic and Achillean. This is due to them being on the nonbinary spectrum, while also being mspec (multisexuality; bi, pan, omni etc)

My Lily Sapphillean Flag
"Sapphlilyean Flag"

The top hues are a stand in for achillean attraction; the top dark blue represents loving men, midtone blue represents fluid masculinity, and the lightest blue represents hope and pride.

The bottom pink hues stand in for sapphic attraction; the top lightest pink represents admiration and love, the midtone pink represents fluid femininity, and the final dark pink represents loving women.

The middle lavender stripes (formatted similarly to the middle of the trans flag), are representative of being on the Nonbinary and/or Genderfluid Spectrum.

Finally, the purple water lily in the middle is symbolic of the pride and passion that comes with being able to experience both Sapphic and achillean attraction. Also, a big part of the Sapphlilyean title (duh^^).


Do I have to be male and female aligned to be Sapphillean?: No! Sapphic and Achillean are both labels that include all nonbinary people in their labels. You can be agender, transneutral, just transmasc/fem etc, and still be Sapphillean. Just as long as you're Nonbinary or Genderfluid.

Do I have to use this label if I'm a Nonbinary mspec?: No, of course not! No ones forcing you to use this label, and if you feel like you don't experience both Sapphic and Achillean attraction, then the label isn't for you, obviously!/lh

Doesn't this label invalidate you?: No, like I said earlier, Sapphic and Achillean both include nonbinary people, so it's not contradicting our identity at all. Also,, why would we label outselves something that invalidates our identity? /lh

I still don't understand this: It's ok, you don't have to understand it right away. Although not a new concept, it is a less known micro label, which is why I'm aiming to bring more light to it. I do however, hope you can come to respect it.

Other Sapphillean Sources

My Bi Sapphillean Flag
(Moon Lily Pride)

#Sapphillean Twitter

Flag remake

Minimalistic Middle

Sapphillean Flags